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Электронный учебно-методический комплекс Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института  
Каталог электронного УМК
Каталог материалов
Материалы научной сессии студентов по итогам 2009 года. Часть III
Емекеев А.А., Фролова В.Н., Гильмутдинов Ш.К.
- Альметьевск Типография АГНИ, 2010. -295c.
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Муса М^элилнен Зиннур Хэсэновка язылган бик матур шигыре бар. gv шигырь Маобит дэфтэрлэрендэ юк. Аньщ язмышы башкачарак. Шигырьне бе ун еллар чамасы элек Теркиядэ яшэуче галимэ Сэидэ Арсланбэк алып килэ. у "Беренче очрашу" дип атала. Шигырь аларньщ дуслыгыньщ ныклыш шагыйрьнеч якташыбызга хермэте турында свили.
Без батыр исемен йерткэн бистэдэ яшэвемэ сеенэм Иэм шундыв геройлары, зкырчы сандугачлары булган районым белэн горурланам Ьэм аларньщ исемнэрен пычратучыларны гаеплим.
Росина А.Ю., Шайхутдинова Л.Т., Габидуллин А.Н., 10 кл.,
МОУ-гимназия №1 им. Р. Фахретдина
(Надиманова A.M.)
In the contemporary world it is urgent not only to study and speak English but also to use the language in the purpose of solving cross cultural misunderstanding, analyzing different perspectives on variety topics, searching common points and learning to be tolerant. So, the issue of communicating and maintaining relationships between students and teachers of Russia and the USA is updated. But we live too far from each other and we are not able to make often meetings in our real life.
The aim of our research is to create and upgrade a virtual community for students and teachers of our school and American ones.
We are going to do it through:
1. creating a Wikispace community for students and teachers from Gymnasia #1 after Riza Fakhretdin, Almetyevsk and Kemps Landing Magnet School, Virginia Beach, USA.
2. attracting Russian students and teachers and American peers.
3. regular upgrading our Wiki with interesting issues and projects.
4. popularizing our experience among students of our community.
The subject is the Wikispace located in
http://aieulmizkhatovna.wikispace.com. which was created in January 2010.
Group-based discussions and collaborating, Internet surfing searches, crea new ideas and projects by wordstorming are used. . ^
The sources of the research are different among them Internet ones su Wikipedia: the Free Encyclopedia , Welcome to Wiki - Free Wikisfor everyone printed ones such as Writing Research Papers by Robert D. Shepherd m& o1iie™eroeSi
At the moment the Wikispace is working on the urgent subjects as ie$ Vancouver 20 JO Heroes, Women Heroes, Celebrities and has a Home PagehefS ^d to the history of Russian American relationships between our school s e ^j students and American peers. Each topics is discussed by the members ^е
and two American schools and one school from Shanghai, China J

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Альметьевский государственный нефтяной институт, 2004 - 2024г.
423450 Республика Татарстан,
г.Альметьевск, ул. Ленина д.2
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